fredag 5 mars 2010

Stockholm, you know I love you and these last few months have been great but... I've met someone else. Her name is Göteborg.

I spent 7 and a half hours on the bus yesterday to get here, eating vegan/organic candy and reading Naked Lunch and Swedish Elle. in William Burroughs' elegant intoxicat(ed/ing) rambles, he talks a lot about all parts of the world (not to mention Interzone, where I wish to live some day) but when he mentions Scandinavia it's always silly. such as the following,

"And there was the occasion when President Ra threw the British Prime Minister to the ground and forcibly sodomized him, the spectacle being televised to the entire Arab world. Wild yipes of joy were heard in Stockholm"

...ha, verkligen!

honestly though, if I could live anywhere in Sweden it would be here. I love the street fashion: lots of colors, lots of vintage, lots of energy. Stockholm is generally rather drab and overdosed in trend. speaking of vintage , I walked within a 2 block radius today and found 4 amazingly fantastic 2nd hand stores. if you roll through Gothenburg some day, stop at Pop Boutique and Prikig Katt. i was lost for words. plus the locals here have the cutest little dialect!

I'm staying with my fellow Minnesotan, Concordia Swedish Cult member Annalise that I've known for over 10 years, it's trippy as hell maaaan - to be across the ocean seeing people you've only ever seen at home.

tomorrow I head back to the big city.