fredag 16 oktober 2009

so i like to wonder sometimes, "hmm wouldn't it be silly if my gluten intolerance was just psychological? I would do some dumb shit like that to myself... yep its probably just psychological..."
but that's only until some goddamn little gluten proteins smuggle themselves into my body and i'm sitting there in pain like "I really really wish this were psychological."
pretty much the situation i find myself in at the moment.

you may be surprised, but i actually forget that i'm not in the USA, at least once a day when i'm here. for instance, today at school when some kids were reciting Wu-Tang and Public Enemy lyrics in the hallways. or when people randomly switch over to English during conversations with their friends. TV commercials are often in English, everyone watches American TV shows and movies (with Swedish subtitles). they even have Montel on TV here. if you are wondering, no I haven't watched it, haha. but i did watch Hannah Montana dubbed into Swedish the other day. it was pretty funny. at least people here don't know about the Jonas Brothers... that might have been the last straw. yes, at first all this really frustrated me - why did i come here to be surrounded by American bullshit when I could have saved 9000 dollars and stayed at home? Minnesota already has lots of Scandinavian people who buy into American culture.
but by now i've come to terms with it. and i very much enjoy the non-American aspects of the country. and some of the American ones aren't so bad either... i mean, not gonna front, lots of my favorite things are American.